Inner Quest Church - Psychic Development

Psychic Development

Have you ever dreamed of something before it happened?

Do you have a “gut” feeling about the rightness or wrongness of a situation? Do you think of someone, only to have them call you?

We all have Intuition! We are all born with a certain amount of perception that allows us to gather information with an inner sense. Our world does not teach us how to grow and use this ability. So for most of us, this talent is gently moved to the back of our minds, while we learn to work through logic and evidence.

Your intuition is designed to help you navigate as a spiritual being on Earth. Join us in learning how to grow and expand your natural abilities!


Psychic Development I

This is a foundational class in learning to focus and develop your inner senses. By learning to “read” the energies of another, you will be exposed to a variety of vibrations and information. This provides a wealth of experience from which to draw. Whether you are seeking to expand your intuition for self, or for helping others, this program will give you the tools you need to begin to focus and decode the information you receive.

You will learn to lift into a frequency which will allow you to "read" from a space of unconditional love.

You will learn how to “feel” the energy of another, to interpret the energy of another, and to navigate the spiritual consciousness of another.

During the six weeks, you will learn how to give a full intuitive reading, and your own inner guidance will become more clear. This class will help you expand and achieve!

Meditation I and Meditation II are extremely helpful prerequisites.

Psychic Development II

This class will focus on expanding your abilities to help others. You will learn several techniques for doing “specific” readings:

  • Angel Readings - communicate with the angelic team of your client
  • Body Scans - view the internal workings of the energy system of your client
  • Past Life Readings - analyze the causal connections between the past lives of your client and the present life of your client

Each of these types of readings allows you to go deeper into a specific area for your client. You will be able to relay very detailed information to your client that can be overlooked in a general reading. Spending an hour in exploring one of these specific topics is sometimes essential for clarity and health.

We will also have a field trip to continue our work harmonizing the energies of spirit and earth- soul rescue work and clearing the environment.

This is an advanced class and Psychic Development I is a prerequisite.

Psychic Development III

In this six week series, you will learn to “read” the energies in your environment. You will learn about the following:

  • Working with Spirits on the Other Side and Soul Rescue Work
  • Locating Missing People
  • The Effects of Energy on Your Environment
  • Clearing and Blessing Homes and Workplaces

This class is designed to “tune” you to the bigger picture! You have learned to read another, now you will learn to understand the spiritual energies that surround us all.

In this class, you will learn to become the light and hold the frequency of pure love as you work. This class will teach you to identify and assist earth bound entities. Learn methods to contact loved ones already on the other side, and explore the effects of group consciousness on any environment. During this six weeks, there will be at least one field trip to provide a “hands-on” experience!

This is an advanced class and Psychic Development II is a prerequisite.

Class Schedule and Pricing

Start Date
Psychic Development I
6 Weeks
Psychic Development II
6 Weeks
Psychic Development III
6 Weeks
All classes run from 7PM to 9:30PM.